Jack-o’-lantern Hacks


jack-o-lanternsAt the end of this month, the streets will be filled with ghosts, ghouls, witches, and probably more than a few Pokemon. Halloween is a favorite holiday for kids and adults alike. We at The Lock Up have a particular love of Jack-o’-lanterns. It’s a great activity to do with friends and family that will make your holiday fun, and of course…spooky! So we’ve compiled tips on how to get the most out of your pumpkin carving party.

Pumpkin Carving 101
The pumpkin is the centerpiece to any Halloween celebration, so we’ve gathered a few great tips to make yours be the best on the block, even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body.

First you need to cut an opening in either the top or bottom of your pumpkin and clear out all the seeds. A large serving spoon is a perfect tool to do this.

By the way, the seeds are delicious and nutritious. All you need to do is wash them off, mix them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, then lay them out in a single layer on a baking pan and roast them on a low temperature for an hour or until they’re golden brown.

Now you’re ready to snack and get creative!

  • Drill It
    If you have an eye for modern design, take an electric drill and have an assortment of different gauge drill bits. Start drilling into the pumpkin to create patterns of various sized dots that will glow beautifully once the pumpkin is lit from within. This is an easy way to have a very chic pumpkin without a ton of effort.
  • Stencil it
    Want to carve something specific into your pumpkin, but lack the artistic skills to draw it onto the pumpkin? Use a stencil! Find an outline of something you want to carve and print it on paper. Tape the paper onto the pumpkin then poke holes along the lines using a push pin. When you remove the stencil, you’ll have a perforated line on your pumpkin so you know exactly where to cut. The neighbors will be impressed!
  • Preserve it
    Now that you’ve created your masterpiece, make sure it doesn’t rot before the big day! Spray WD40 on the outside and inside of your pumpkin, being sure to cover every area that’s been carved. This will help keep the pumpkin shiny and prevent the exposed carved areas from decomposing quickly.
    *Keep in mind that WD40 is flammable, so we suggest using battery operated lights inside your pumpkin to illuminate it.

Do you have any jack-o’-lantern carving tips? We’d love to hear them!

And, of course, if you need a self storage unit, be sure to visit us at www.thelockup.com