Announcing New Lock Up Location in Norridge

The Lock Up Norridge, IL

We are proud to announce the newest member of The Lock Up Self Storage family. As of December 2015, we have a newly constructed facility located at 7300 W Montrose Avenue in Norridge, Illinois. This Lock Up is easily accessible for the neighbors and businesses of Norridge, just one block west of Harlem Avenue and only a couple of blocks north of the busy Harlem Irving Plaza (aka “HIP”) shopping center.
The Norridge Lock Up boasts all of the top notch amenities associated with The Lock Up’s name. Electronic coded access and 24 hour security camera monitoring provide ongoing security measures that protect both our clients and your belongings. Motion sensitive lighting and climate controlled self storage units provide comfort while you visit and protect your belongings from damage.
With 481 climate controlled units, this facility has indoor and drive up units, but also features a unique set of self storage units that are located on a mezzanine level. The mezzanine units are located up a short flight of stairs (imagine walking into your own basement) and are full height units that have a selection of sizes available. And as a bonus, these mezzanine units are priced slightly lower than the standard units. Ask the manager on duty for details.
Here’s a still photo of the mezzanine:

lock up norridge mezzanine

We recently had a virtual tour shot of the facility, so rather than tell you about how clean and orderly our newest family member is…we’ll let you see for yourself!

Simply click and drag inside the images below to “look around” or click the white arrows to “walk” through the space.

Here is the main office and if you turn around, you can see the merchandise area where you can pick up anything you might need for your move:

Here is the indoor loading bay. This feature is most appreciated on those frigid cold and snowy Chicago days! Also note the handcarts standing at the ready that are available for your use.

Here is one of the drive in units that’s located behind the electronic coded security fence.

And finally, here’s an inside unit:

If you are in need of self storage and live or work in the Norridge neighborhood, visit We are offering a Grand Opening online special where you can save up to 50% when you book online!